Seven Unforgettable Events That Shook the World


Human history is full of events that shaped  how we live today.

Brief moments in time have the potential to radically shift how we view the  world or ourselves.

This seems to be happening at an alarming rate at the moment, from the  lingering effects of the 2020 global pandemic to increasingly divisive politics; the fact that  our world seems so connected through technology and social media means we areperhapsmore  susceptible to experiencing world-shaking events than ever before.

To put our current worries into  context, keep watching as we count down seven unforgettable events that shook the world.


The Chernobyl Disaster In April 1986, a routine safety test of a  Soviet nuclear power plant went horribly awry, causing 190 tons of radioactive uranium to  explode into the Earth's atmosphere.

At first, the Soviets tried to keep the scale of  the disaster under wraps and downplayed it to the people of the nearby town of  Pripyat, even during their evacuation.

As the cloud spread across Ukraine, the Soviets  continued to suppress news of the disaster until Swedish scientists detected a massive  radioactive fallout.

They tracked the nuclear dust cloud to its source near Kyiv and pressed  the Soviet government for an explanation.

Under international pressure, the Soviets were forced to  admit there had been an accident at Chernobyl, and newspapers across the world began printing reports  and tracking the airborne radioactive materials.
