镶嵌绿松石铜牌饰 'If Treasures Could Talk'_ What secrets would the Inlaid Turquoise Bronze Plaque reveal_


You have a new message from an ancient treasure.

From angled sockets, two round eyes stare out, through 3,500 years of history.

But is it a dragon, or a tiger? A bull or a deer? An owl or a bear?

These eyes seem to be asking us the same question: who are you?

The bronze plaque is slightly convex.

Its inlaid with 300 tiny pieces of turquoise revealing a remarkable level of craftsmanship.

Predating written language in the region by 500 years, it conveys a wordless message: below the fields lies a city.

At its heart is a vast palace.

Some people believe this was the capital of the semi-mythical Xia dynasty.

This was the site of a vast bronze workshop.
