关于乒乓你可能不知道的知识 Things You Didn't Know About Table Tennis



Why do table tennis players always brush the area near the net with their hands?

This is one of the most asked questions on our channel, too.

And the answer has two parts.

When you play table tennis, It's very common that your hand sweats because of all the time being in contact with the racket.

So between the points, it's very usual that players go wipe the sweat off of the hand and then continue playing.

And the reason why the hand is often dried here is that you don't want the playing area to be wet.

The second part to this answer is that drying the hand on the table is also a mental thing for the player.

So often before the serve or the receive, players want to take a moment to refocus before the next point.

Why do table tennis rackets have a red and a black side?

This rule came in the 1980's because people were using two different rubbers but with the same colour.
