Wordle Secrets: The word list, why 5-letter words are tricky, and more, with Lynne Murphy


Grammar Girl here.

I'm Mignon Fogartyand you can think of me as your friendly guide to the English language.

We talk about  writing, history, rules, and other cool stuff, and we are going to talk about other cool stuff  today because I have with me Lynne Murphy, professor of linguistics at the University of  Sussex in England, author of one of my favorite books of all time, "The Prodigal Tongue," which is  about the differences between American and British English.

And today we're going to talk about  that, but also about Wordle.

Welcome, Lynne.

Thanks, I'm glad to be here.

Yes, I am glad to have you here.

So to give listeners a little bit of  background, you and I were both guests on editor Mark's, Mark Allen's annual  word of the year.

It's like a Zoom chat thing and Wordle came up.

Do you remember why we  were talking about Wordle in the first place?
