Can You Be Like Antiracist Baby? | Dr. Ibram X. Kendi | BookTube Jr.


Hi, my name is Dr. Ibram X. Kendi and I love celebrating our differences through words and actions.

I even wrote a book that teaches readers how they can be kind to others with a few simple steps, and I'd love, really, to share this book with you.

I'm Ibram X. Kendi.

I am the author of "Antiracist Baby."^ And I wrote this book because I wanted to have a book that I can talk to my daughter about race and about being antiracist.

And to be antiracist is to be able to see all people, no matter their skin color, their hair texture, their background, where they come from, as equals, and to really appreciate just the beautiful diversity that is the human rainbow.

It doesn't matter if they're brown or white or black skin, what matters the most is what's on the inside.

We should get treated the same way, even if other people judge us by our skin color or what we look like.

So y'all mind if I read this book?

- Yeah.

- Yep.
