利簋 If Treasures Could Talk_ What Does the Inscription on Li's Gui Tell Us_


You have a new message from an ancient treasure.

3,000 years ago, King Wu of Zhou bestowed a gift on a loyal official named Li, the gift was a precious one: bronze.

Li had the bronze made into a bowl-shaped vessel called a "Gui".

Li held the position of "Yousi" or Minister.

In itself, Li's Gui gray isn't particularly impressive, yet historians consider it very important.

Considering the population of the time, 700,000 seems a very exaggerated figure; as for when the battle was fought, more than 40 different dates have been suggested.

In ancient times, people kept cereal in a Gui.

In the strict hierarchy of Western Zhou, vessels used in sacrifices and at banquets were imbued with specific significance.

So they became symbols of the state's system of rituals.

The number of vessels you were permitted to own was determined by your rank.
