Aubrey Plaza on 'Parks and Rec' Pranks, Witchiness With Marvel and More | The One with WSJ Magazine


- I don't like any technology.

I especially don't like robots that you talk to.

I don't wanna talk to my house.

I don't wanna talk to my car and telling them to do things, them telling me to do things.

I have enough problems as it is.

(cheerful music) - [Interviewer] Aubrey, you've talked about playing a character in interviews.

What is the one secret to playing the character of Aubrey Plaza?

- Just complete disassociation and confusion.

And as long as you can really grasp onto the idea that you don't know where you are or what's happening, you'll do just fine.

- [Interviewer] Is there one moment in an interview that you've surprised yourself?
