跪射俑 Every Treasure Tells a Story_ The Terracotta Warriors – An Image of Empire


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The tranquil and ordered scenery belies the extraordinary magnificence of what lies beneath.

Below the modest monument, Lishan tomb, a tomb in which the history of an empire is frozen for all eternity.

It was in 1974 that the first stirrings of an incredible discovery were madean underground army part of the vast tomb complex for China's first emperor was gradually disinterred.

The dust on the mirror was accidentally stirred upTerracotta Warriors and horses of the first emperor of Qin at the foot of Lishan mountain were exposed.

The mirror of time allows us to reflect on what this means then and now.

Qin Shihuang's seven thousand-strong immortal army is arrayed in three great pits near his tomb at Lintong in Xi'an, the site of the Qin capital.

160 of these Terracotta Warriors in kneeling position were excavated at the east end of pit number 2. They form the vanguard.

They are archers, clad in their armor and hair tied up, ready for battle, holding real weaponry in their hands as they entered the underworld.

This archer is among the most junior ranked in the battle array.
