1.She opened her mouth to receive the papery-thin wafer.
1.Later, the Catholic church began making flour waffle wafers, which typically depicted biblical scenes.
2.For example, about a million of these OWICs can fit on a single four-inch wafer.
比如,一个 4 英寸片可以放下约 100 万个这样 OWIC。
3.Hey, do we have any wafer cookies?
嘿 我们还有威化饼干吗?
4.Mary, the racoons got into the communion wafers again.
5.Kinder Bueno wafer sticks, Kinder Maxi King ice creams and dozens more.
还有健达缤纷乐威化棒、健达 Maxi King 冰激十种产品。
6.We can build something like one million robots on a single four-inch wafer.
我们可以在一个 4 英寸片上制造 100 万个机器人。
7.The warning comes from ASML, the company makes lithography machines that etch circuits onto silicon wafers.
8.My favorite were like the regular vanilla wafers, but they not vegan.
9.The result is that democratic consent for the EU in Britain is now wafer thin.
结果是, 英国对欧盟民主同意现在非常薄弱。机翻
10.She took it as the believer takes in his mouth the wafer which is God.
她接受了它, 就像信徒将圣饼含在嘴里一样, 这就是上帝。机翻
11.I also doubt that the majority of Israelites are inclined to outrage the holy wafers.
12.I've never had this before and I'm really excited because I do enjoy a wafer.
- 我以前从未吃过这个,我真很兴奋,因为我很喜欢威化饼。机翻
13.We'll embed a small portion of it in resin and we'll cut very thin wafers.
14.(mumbles) I would prefer a little more wafer than caramel.
(咕哝)比起焦糖, 我更喜欢威化饼。机翻
15.Eve is holding the fruit she has just picked, and she is gagged by what looks like a Communion wafer.
16.Peanuts, a wafer, caramel, Rice Krispies, and milk chocolate.
- 花生、威化饼、焦糖、米饼和牛奶巧克力。机翻
17.Did Martyn show you the single crystal, the wafer?
马丁给你看了单, 圆吗?机翻
18.We start with a slice of silicon, which, like a thin cookie, is called a wafer.
19.The transistor used to be a big, bulky device, until the invent of the integrated circuit based on pure crystalline silicon wafers.
20.But analysts expect that by 2030 it will produce around 80,000 wafers a month, all told.
但分析师预计,到 2030 年,其每月总产量将达到约 80,000 片圆。机翻