| 划词

1.Objective:To investigate the effects of arecaidine on contractile activity of isolated uterine smooth muscle strips of virginal rats and explore their action mechanism.




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1.Virginals were pleasing; he wrote a book on Flemish examples.


who was 系列

2.Elizabeth learned to play an instrument called the virginal.


「who was 系列」评价该例句:好评差评指正

3.Smooth your ruffled feathers. You are just putting on these virginal airs. Tell me what I shall bring you from England.



4.It was a prim, virginal little room and it lay still and warm in the slanting rays of the four-o'clock sun.



5.He desired her and, so far as her virginal emotions went, she contemplated a surrender with equanimity.

他渴望,就情感而言, 平静地考虑投降。机翻


6.'All works that deal with the Black Arts are unanimous upon the supreme efficacy of the virginal condition'.

“所有涉及巫术作品都一致认为处状态最高功效” 。机翻

TED演讲(音频版) 2020年7月合集

7.And under the weight of the gentile tulle and virginal lace that dressed plantation mistresses, Black femininity has always been denied.


「TED演讲(音频版) 2020年7月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
the lady of the camilles 茶花 小仲马 by Tom

8.Her face, too, was inexpressibly virginal in its expression of innocence and of melancholy suffering. She was like a figure of Resignation.

此外,那种清白无辜情态、那种忧郁痛苦表情,在处脸上也是绝无仅有。简直就是一副" 听天由命" 形象。

「the lady of the camilles 茶花 小仲马 by Tom」评价该例句:好评差评指正

9.That really, really is white isn't it you can see it giving you know that sort of idea of virginal purity that was so important to her image.



10." Oh, " she replied, gravely, not a blush colouring her inflated cheeks, " I saw one made of mother-of-pearl and white feathers. Something truly virginal" !

“哦,” 严肃地回答, 膨胀脸颊上没有一丝红晕, “我看到了一个用珍珠母和白色羽毛制成。真正处东西” !机翻


11." She wasn't a bit like a white nigger, " I said. " She was virginal like the dawn. She was like Hebe. She was like a white rose" .

" 一点也不像白皮肤黑人," 我说。 " 如同黎明一样纯洁。 像青春神,又像一朵白玫瑰。"


12.If a father constantly accuses his virginal daughter of screwing every boy in junior high, must she not at last grow weary (enough) of it to earn her scoldings?


The Razor's Edge

13.Have you ever been told that y our nose is exactly like that of the Psyche in the museum of Naples, and that's the loveliest representation of virginal beauty that ever existed.

你有没有听说过,我们鼻子和那不勒斯博物馆里 Psyche 一模一样,这是有史以来最可爱表现。机翻

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14.She was conscious about how she was seen and the way she presents herself was as the virginal Queen emphasizing that she was enough as a ruler without sacrificing her power by marrying someone else.


the lady of the camilles 茶花 小仲马 by Tom

15.How it was that her ardent life had left on Marguerite's face the virginal, almost childlike expression, which characterized it, is a problem which we can but state, without attempting to solve it.


「the lady of the camilles 茶花 小仲马 by Tom」评价该例句:好评差评指正
The Lost Symbol

16.Mal'akh studied the sacred patch of virginal skin, which was enclosed by the crownlike circle of an ouroboros—a mystical snake devouring its own tail. The bare flesh seemed to stare back at him . .

Mal'akh 研究了那块圣洁皮肤, 它被一个乌洛波罗斯皇冠状圆圈包围着 - - 一条神秘蛇吞噬着自己尾巴。裸露肉似乎在盯着他。机翻

「The Lost Symbol」评价该例句:好评差评指正

17.It was Ed too who taught me to make a fish chowder that makes a poor thing of any New England chowder. Ed's was a virginal chowder, uncorrupted by such alien elements as peas, corn and tomatoes.



18.The moist English air seemed to have deepened the bloom of her cheeks and softened the slight hardness of her virginal features;or else it was simply the inner glow of happiness, shining through like a light under ice.

潮湿英国空气似乎加深了脸颊红晕, 柔化了容貌轻微僵硬; 或者这只是内心幸福光芒,像冰下光一样闪耀。机翻


19.It would have been kinder still had everything changed, weather, streets, and people, and had she been whisked away, to wake in some high, fresh-scented room, alone, and statuesque within and without, as in her virginal and colorful past.




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