1.What am I looking for? - Well, this is a list of all our vics.
我要找什麽? - 这是我们所有受害者信息。
2.So, what made our vic go boom?
3.VIC seems about to climb out of the pool.
4.Kenzi and the vic are here, in the office.
肯吉受害当时在这儿 办公室里。
5.That's where we were last night. -What happened, vic?
6.Yeah... and some of the vics are missing their organs.
是... 其中一些受害者取走了器官。
7.You bad girl. Well, I owe you. I just needed to confirm that the vic' and my suspect are related.
8.Only other ones we found were the vic's and an adam saunders.
只找到受害Adam Saunders指纹。
9.Even on the broker side. Right, vic?
对股票经纪同样适用 对吗 Vic?
10.It looks like some of the vics are preserved.
11.That vic's still on the scene. - Okay, I got this.
另一个伤者仍在现场 -好 这个我来。
12.Look, I just need a urine swab from the vic's toilet.
13.We got any I.D. on the vic?
14.We'll know more about the vics when the coroner gets him back to the lab.
15.What else do we know about our vic? I asked you a question, Fusco.
我们还知道什么有关受害者? 我问了你一个问题 Fusco。
16.So, uh, you heard from vic? -No, but don't worry. She'll come home eventually when she needs something. I played that game.
17.And your vic, that vic you got in there, she was part of the whole group of crazy people that was trying to get him.
还有你们发现那个尸体 那个尸体,她也是昨晚想要抓住Sam那伙之一。
18.Which is consistent with the vic being killed elsewhere then brought here into the scene sometime in the past four hours, since that's when I, uh, drove over here.
说明受害是在别地方遇害然后在过去四小时内带到这个现场,就在我呃 开车过来这里之后。