I was on the point of risking Mr. Rochester’s displeasure by disobeying his orders, when the light once more gleamed dimly on the gallery wall, and I heard his unshod feet tread the matting.
A hurried sound of feet, both shod and unshod, was heard, several women thrust their heads through the door and instantly drew them back again, someone was pushed, another groaned, a third giggled, someone whispered excitedly, " Be quiet, do" !
一阵急促的脚步声响起,有穿鞋的,也有穿鞋的,几个女人把头探进门里,又瞬间缩了回去,有人被推,有人呻吟,有人咯咯笑,有人激动地小声说:“安静,做。” !