1.PICC catheter was inserted to superior vena cava through uninjured side basilic vein or median cubital vein for receving chemotherapy.
2.Kneel at the casualty's shoulder and position a bearer at the waist to help logroll the casualty onto the uninjured side.
1.The plane landed safely with all 119 passengers uninjured.
2.Alyce is standing on the corner crying, covered in tiny shards of glass but uninjured.
3.If uninjured, be ready to assist rescue workers with information or labor.
4.The driver of the train is reported to be uninjured but is being treated for shock.
5.The deer was uninjured and returned to the wild after being trapped in the hotel laundry room.
6.The glass was smashed, but the mechanism of the watch was uninjured.
玻璃被打碎了, 但手表的机械装置没有受伤。机翻
7.The driver, a father of four, escaped uninjured.
8." Rise, Student Lu, " she said. " You are uninjured? "
9.And I got out of that car alive and practically uninjured at all.
- 我还活着从车里出来,几乎没有受伤。机翻
10." Well, I'm sorry you don't want the job, Horace, " said Dumbledore, raising his uninjured hand in a farewell salute.
11.Then jump off the roof, Maggie, jump off it. Now cats jump off roofs and they land uninjured. Do it. Jump.
12.Trump was uninjured after Secret Service agents spotted and shot at a suspicious man with a gun at a wood line.
13." You are uninjured? " Lin Chong asked the woman who had hit the ground.
14.Our stock of powder had remained uninjured after having risked blowing up during the storm.
我们的火药库存在暴风雨中冒着被炸毁的危险, 但并未受到损坏。机翻
15.He burst into the living room, his bald patch gleaming with sweat, his spectacles askew, Fred right behind him, both pale but uninjured.
16.And pulling Dumbledore's uninjured arm around his shoulders, Harry guided his headmaster back around the lake, bearing most of his weight.
17.He tried to light a match, holding the box in his teeth and striking at it with the uninjured hand.
他试着点燃一根火柴, 用牙齿咬住盒子, 用没有受伤的手划着它。机翻
18.A warrior of the fourth rank, aided by the Supersonic spell, had roughly the same level of speed as the uninjured Windwolf.
19.Emergency workers have made contact with the miners via a radio, and they all appear to be uninjured, said Jessica Verfuss, the emergency department’s assistant director.
20.The skin covering of the skull easily detached, and no hemorrhage was noticeable. 2. The skull bones were of average thickness and uninjured. 3.
1.颅骨外皮易脱落,无明显出血。 2.颅骨厚度适中,无损伤。 3.机翻