Lewin's freeze phases : Unfreeze, transition, refreeze.
温结阶段 :解
, refreeze 。
Ransomware, where criminals demand money in return for unfreezing affected devices, plus other viruses and social media scams have all affected the continent, but experts warn the lack of preparedness in Africa poses additional dangers.
Indeed, Iran would appear to have little immediate interest in a Hezbollah-Israel battle: A U.S.-Iran deal is reportedly in the works to free five Iranian American dual nationals held in Iran, in exchange for unfreezing $6 billion in Iranian funds.
事实上,伊朗似乎对真主党和以色列的战争没有什么直接兴趣:据报道,美国和伊朗正在达成一项协议,以释放五名被关押在伊朗的拥有伊朗和美国双重国籍人士,作为交换,伊朗将解冻 60 亿美元的资金。