1.Methods Found the relationship of aortic dissection false lumen s ectonexine of aortic tunica media by test and measurement their shape-changed strength ratio.
8.The innermost tunic is called the tunica intima, which includes the endothelial cells, which create a slick surface that minimizes friction for blood moving through it.
9.The aorta also undergoes cystic medial necrosis, which is where there is degeneration of the tunica media, which is the central portion of the aortic wall.
10.Finally, there's the tunica externa or outside tunic which is made up of loosely woven fibers of collagen protein that protect and reinforce the blood vessel and anchor it in place.
11.So there are tiny blood vessels, called the vasa vasorum, which means vessels of the vessels that creep along the tunica externa to bring nutrients to specifically that layer of the blood vessel wall.
12.Anatomists call these layers " tunics, " and the innermost section is the tunica intima — which should be pretty easy to remember because, you know, it has like intimate contact with the lumen. It's like your circulatory underpants.