9.The big trust company building seemed to link him definitely to the great fortunes whose solidarity he respected and to assure him that he was adequately chaperoned by the hierarchy of finance.
10.Tomorrow on FRESH AIR - after the Civil War, tens of thousands of formerly enslaved people deposited millions of dollars into the Freedman's Savings and Trust Company, a bank created for them.
明天的 FRESH AIR 节目将报道——内战结束后,数以万计的前奴隶向为他们设立的自由人储蓄和信托公司存入了数百万美元。机翻
11.But the company also needs to show pilots, flight attendants, regulators, and the general public that it cares, through words and actions, that its planes are safe to fly and that the company can be trusted.
12." If you've finished with each other for a while, " she added, " Arthur may find it a relief to put his thoughts on something prettier than a trust company—and more fragrant" .