A second installment of labor legislation was offered in the law of 1908 limiting the hours of railway employees engaged as trainmen or telegraph operators.
1908 年的法律提供了第二部分劳动法,制铁路雇员担任火车员或电报员的工作时间。
Still more extraordinary than the Seamen's Act was the Adamson law of 1916 fixing a standard eight-hour work-day for trainmen on railroads—a measure wrung from Congress under a threat of a great strike by the four Railway Brotherhoods.
比《海员法》更特别的是 1916 年的亚当森法,它规定了铁路列车员的标准工作日八小时——这是在四大铁路兄弟会大罢工的威胁从国会强行采取的项措施。