He nodded to the men, smiled, traded pleasantries with a subaltern.
She was an extraordinarily beautiful girl, Margaret Devereux, and made all the men frantic by running away with a penniless young fellow—a mere nobody, sir, a subaltern in a foot regiment, or something of that kind.
Then comes the poor little subaltern, delighted at the idea of his first action, brimming over with affection, ready to fall on his comrade's neck; a laughable, adorable boy, who, like Petia Rostoff, contrives to get stupidly killed.
然后那个可怜的小副官来了, 一想到他的第一个动作就很高兴, 满脸慈爱,准备扑到他战友的脖子上; 一个可笑的、可爱的男孩, 他和佩蒂亚·罗斯托夫一样, 想方设法愚蠢地被杀。