8.The major genera with the largest representation in the oral cavities include: streptococcus, prevotella, haemophilus, rothia, veillonella, neisseria, fusobacterium, and porphyromonas.
9.Normally, there's a layer called the pellicle that covers the tooth, and bacteria in the mouth, like viridans group streptococci, settle on that pellicle layer.
10.Streptococci is one of the most common bacteria found in our mouth and it's normally not harmful until it metabolizes sugar or protein from food debris.
11.That environment favors bacteria like mutans streptococci and Lactobacillus, which demineralize enamel and the dentin beneath it, and if untreated, it can eventually result in a cavitated caries lesion.
12.His sore throat was actually a very bad infection caused by a certain kind of bacteria called " streptococcus, " or more commonly " strep (strep) throat."
13.However, moderate consumption of red wine may enhance oral health, because it contains a mixture of organic acids that are active against oral streptococci responsible for caries development and streptococcus pyogenes responsible for pharyngitis.