In all directions expanding in vast irregular circles, and aimlessly swimming hither and thither, by their short thick spoutings, they plainly betrayed their distraction of panic.
Imagine if the night before an initial public offering of a major global bank, there was a deepfake showing the bank's CEO drunkenly spouting conspiracy theories.
The original Sibylla was rumored to have lived somewhere in Turkey some time in the 5th century BC, spouting her prophecies while in the grip of an ecstatic frenzy.
It is certain that the mouth indirectly communicates with the spouting canal; but it cannot be proved that this is for the purpose of discharging water through the spiracle.
Many a person has played the armchair sociologist at some point in their lives – spouting off about how they think " Society Really Works" because of their own experience.
Like gigantic geysers spouting molten rock instead of water, volcanoes work and rest, and we have no sure means of knowing whether they are dead when still, or only sleeping.
Miles of its flanks are reeking and bubbling with hot springs, many of them so boisterous and sulphurous they seem over ready to become spouting geysers like those of the Yellowstone.