To fit more cabins and amenities, those superstructures that's all of this that rises above the deck, became taller which hid the once prominent smokestacks.
To fit more cabins and amenities, those superstructures that's all of this that rises above the deck, became taller… which hid the once prominent smokestacks.
Railroad construction would often clear debris with fire, and the smokestacks of steam engines would occasionally emit sparks as the train chugged along.
We can classify them -- harmless steam plumes, white and evanescent;polluting smokestacks, dark and persistent -- and provide policy makers with a map of neighborhood pollution.
Pointing to a smokestack which was spurting smudge, the president replied to the questions smoothly with a smooth-tongued word, " There's no smoke without fire! "
You basically hook up, you know, some pretty complex devices to the smokestack of a factory or power plant or refinery, and you capture the carbon dioxide that comes out.
(Applause) Anyway, this is the environmental justice advocate who is making the pointthat you can't do it without protecting those who are victimizeddownwind from the smokestacks, downstream from the pollution.
If we limit our vision of the future to one filled with oil rigs, smokestacks and suffering, we limit our capacity and shirk our duty to change the course of humanity for the better.
Look, we need to fight climate change, but don't do it by pretending to do it and continue dumping all this pollution on the front-line communities that are downwind from the smokestacks.