Then two little Eskimo boys came up shyly and followed me about.
'Oh, Mr Bumble! ' said the widow, smiling shyly.
I'm sorry I'm late, he said shyly.
" Like the United States? " he asked, looking up shyly.
Wade digested this statement. It made sense to him and he smiled and wriggled against Rhett's arm shyly.
" 韦德想想这句话的意思,觉得有理,便笑笑,不好意思地在瑞德怀里扭动起来。
" You can go in now, Captain Butler, " she said shyly.
" 现在你可以进,特勒船长," 媚兰说,她感到有些难为情。
Roger, you're very handsome, you know. (Shyly) Oh, am I, Gwen? Oh yes.
Wade, encouraged by his stepfather's generosity, came shyly toward him.
Wood pigeons, once found shyly cooing in forests, have boldly moved into cities and suburbs.
Pigling Bland made more porridge and watched her shyly.
He looked at me shyly, and then glanced about the bare cold cell.
他害羞地看着我, 然后扫视一下光秃秃的冰冷牢房。
And they continued to stare at each other shyly through a transfiguring mist of sound.
Her eyes were on the carpet and, though she seemed overcome with some frightening emotion, she seemed shyly happy.
He held shyly to his father’s coat.
" I'm sorry I was late, " he said shyly.
Shyly, he put $3.98 on the table.
害羞地,他把 3.98 美元放在桌子上。
Dorian bowed to him shyly from the end of the table, a flush of pleasure stealing into his cheek.
Mombi's curious magic often frightened her neighbors, and they treated her shyly, yet respectfully, because of her weird powers.
蒙比奇特的魔法经常吓坏她的邻居, 他们对她既害羞又恭敬,因为她有奇怪的力量。
" I—I have never really learned French, but—but—" she began, trying shyly to make herself clear.
" I wish I could go to sleep before you leave me, " he said rather shyly.