15.In the very next sentence however the observed association between higher ssb intake and lower semen quality does not necessarily imply a decrease in fertility.
16.And one more thing in this paragraph, the researcher's goal was to understand the effects of sweetened beverages on semen quality and reproductive hormone levels.
17.Those on short-term organic diets do show higher levels of carotenoids, polyphenols, Vitamin C and E, LDL cholesterol, antioxidant activity, immune system markers, and ever higher semen quality.
那些短期内食用有机食品确实体内含有更多类胡萝卜素、多酚、维生素 C 和 E、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇、抗氧化活、免疫系统标记,以及更高液质量。
18.There is a catch, though: artificial insemination in African elephants with semen that has been frozen, as opposed to the fresh stuff, has not so far been done successfully.
19.Though scientists had stored semen, they would have to collect the eggs— a complex procedure that requires a female to be sedated for up to two hours.
20.We don't have evidence of it spreading through air, but we have evidence, a lot of evidence, of it spreading through blood, mucus, semen, basically bodily fluids.