9.The error estimation of the quasi-synchronous sampling harmonics anal-ysis and the method used for measuring the subharmonics of periodic signalsare also discussed.
11.The malignant mesenchymoma is not rare actully,but owing to the one sidedness of sampling,it is always diagnosed pathomorphogically as one singletissue sarcoma.
12.Program goals include teaching the sharks to swim into a shallow stretcher and remain calm for medical exams, morphometrics, and eventually diagnostic sampling.
13.A combustion-driven entrained flow reactor equipped with an optical particle-sizing pyrometry diagnostic and a rapid-quench sampling probe has been used for this investigation.
14.Superpopulation model is a bridge between survey sampling and other branches of statistics.It is helpful to study sampling theory with the tool of superpopulation models.
16.The flow model of single phase flow in the elbow of the vertical tubular leacher was studied by using NaCl solution tracing and microcomputer sampling.
17.In this survey, we take cosmetician as our sampling group and design a series of the questionnaires to know their acceptance of the information technology.
18.Indicate epidemiology investigation , confirm on the grounds of international sampling investigation, major part in the cancerogenic patient who has a smoke is a passive smoker.
19.Nasal cannulae are now aailable with a separate tube that can be attached to the sampling probe from a capnograph, thereby allowing for end-tidal CO2 monitoring.