In a time-lapse film, a Saguaro grove would seem to creep across the desertscape like a pool of mercury.
Names flitted through Paul's mind, each with its picture imprinted by the book's mnemonic pulse: saguaro, burro bush, date palm, sandverbena, evening primrose, barrel cactus, incense bush, smoke tree, creosotebush … kit fox, desert hawk, kangaroo mouse… .
名字保罗脑海中掠过,每一个名字都印有这本书助记脉搏:仙人掌、驴灌木、海枣、沙马鞭草、月见草、桶状仙人掌、香灌木、烟树、杂酚灌木… … 狐狸、沙漠鹰、袋鼠… … .