And yet, after years of conflict, countless fault lines like this crisscross Iraq, leaving riven communities and millions of upturned lives in their wake.
And that's also about where we've got to in our society because we see, I did a documentary series because I was so, I was so riven by playing Logan for so long.
The three passed out, leaving the hall door, cracked and riven with frost and wet, half open, and they stood silent for a moment under the ruinous shelter of the porch.
Some experts say this year's boom, however, will not prevent financial troubles next year when tourism dependent countries may grapple with the cost of living crisis riven by inflation and high energy costs.
In the wake of the Hamas attack, Israeli politicians Riven by Bitter internal divisions, have formed a unity government that may give pause to the country's foes, says former US Middle East Envoy Dennis Ross.
It had been struck by lightning and was riven asunder, leafless; but the maimed branches were curiously set on the trunk so that they gave it the appearance of a human being writhing in the torture of infernal agony.