For example, rickets or osteomalacia can occur in chronic liver disease, due to the liver's inability to turn inactive vitamin D into 25-hydroxy-vitamin D.
Without this vitamin variety, humans face deficiencies that cause a range of problems, like fatigue, nerve damage, heart disorders, or diseases like rickets and scurvy.
Rickets and Osteomalacia are usually diagnosed with lab tests which show abnormally low vitamin D levels in blood serum, low blood calcium, and elevated serum alkaline phosphatase.
He focused on breathing techniques to assist with his asthma, and by exercising outside in his shorts, was able to cure his rickets which is caused by a vitamin D deficiency.
他专注于呼吸技巧以帮助改善他的喘,借由穿着短裤在户外运动,他能够治疗因为缺乏维他命 D 所引起的佝偻病。
Charles developed his ability to talk later than most children, while he was a sickly infant, one who probably suffered from rickets which weakened his ankles in his youth.
Let's hear about how rickets – a disease caused by a lack of Vitamin D in the diet – is affecting some children in the UK. This is BBC reporter Mike Williams.