1.Notices based on original information, as opposed to those that republish information from another country, have their consecutive numbers prefixed by an asterisk.
14.Anyone can anonymously access the INSDC's data and use them as they want, but GISAID requires that users confirm their identity and agree not to republish the site's genomes without permission from the data provider.
任何都可以匿名访问 INSDC 的数据并随心所欲
使用它们,但 GISAID 要求用户确认其身份并同意在未经数据提供者许可的情况下不得重新发布该站点的基因组。机翻
15.Mr. Herbert Spencer, in an Essay (originally published in the " Leader" , March, 1852, and republished in his " Essays" , in 1858), has contrasted the theories of the Creation and the Development of organic beings with remarkable skill and force.
Herbert Spencer 先生在一篇论文中(最初发表于 1852 年 3 月的“Leader” ,并于 1858 年在他的“Essays” 中重新发表)以非凡的技巧和力量。机翻