1.Objective To develop a high sensitivity and reproducible method for rapid DNA analysis even when using picogram sample in a complex background.
15.It provides documented, transparent and reproducible methods to accomplish steps of the quality risk management process based on current knowledge about assessing the probability, severity and sometimes detectability of the hazards, and their associated risks.
它提供了有记录的、透明的和可重复的方法, 以根据当前关于评估危害的概率、严重程度和有时可检测性及其相关风险的知识, 完成质风险管理过程的步骤。机翻
16.Even today, books, magazines, radio, television and movies still have not replaced the story teller. None of these permanent, reproducible media are able to deliver a personal, individualized message with the impact of a well told story.