The Nigerian government spokesman says the girl from Chibok recently rescued from Boko Haram militants will meet President Muhammadu Buhari and be given help to reintegrate into society.
But the VR therapy seems to be working, and Dr Sanchez-Vives reports more and more of the prisoners successfully reintegrating into their communities after their release from prison.
So on Monday, I’ll travel to Newark, New Jersey to highlight efforts to help Americans who’ve paid their debt to society reintegrate back into their communities.
They need to agree on how the rebels will lay down the arms, how they would receive protection, how they will start to reintegrate into society and demobilized.
Therefore, it is necessary to address the societal stigma surrounding ex-prisoners and promote rehabilitation programs that provide them with the necessary skills to reintegrate into society.
The government in Kinshasa has signed a separate document agreeing to reintegrate rebels into the army and giving an amnesty to all except they are accused of war crimes.
She applauded efforts of local governments in the Lac region to de-radicalize and reintegrate Boko Haram defectors, which underscore the need for a credible path to leave from the battlefield.
Eastern Germans had to be reintegrated into their own country, and even though they didn't have to move places, many still today feel like they have never fully arrived.
When you go back there, do you find it difficult or easy to reintegrate into your city, into your family's house, or does it take a little bit of time to readjust?
The homecoming project is a transitional housing program, where we're combined with a host in the community who houses us for a stipend for six months, and kind of be reintegrated into the community by somebody from the community.