So losing an American life seems to be a redline for him, and it hasn't been crossed.
But Bed-Stuy was one of the city's most heavily redlined neighborhoods — a racially discriminatory practice where mortgage lenders and insurance companies denied services to people in certain neighborhoods, which pushed Black people into specific areas.
I learned more about the racist policies mandated by federal and local governments like redlining and urban renewal that gutted once thriving Black communities across the country and prevented Black citizens from building wealth through homeownership.
Like in many cities across the US, nearly a century ago, redlining practices allowed white neighborhoods easier access to capital and excluded black and immigrant communities, including Suh's home in the Northeast of Portland where Irvington was, quote, still desirable.
与美许多城市一样,近一个世纪前,红线做法让白人社区更容易获得资金,并将黑人和移民社区排除在外,包括 Suh 在波特兰东北部的
,引用 Irvington 的话,那里仍然令人向往。