7.Some might question the wisdom of this expenditure in a country that had been ravished by civil conflict, but there is undoubtedly a feel-good factor in Ivory Coast.
8.Passepartout was ravished to behold this celebrated place, and thought that, with its circular walls and dismantled fort, it looked like an immense coffee–cup and saucer.
12.The authorities in New Orleans have ordered a dusk-till-dawn on curfew as a powerful storm pounds the American city seven years after it was ravished by Hurricane Katrina.
13.One might imagine that the two ravished the thrill more than anything else because it is hard to believe that they could not strike a single duel-ending blow between them.
14.Philosophy is odious and obscure, Both law and physic are for petty wits, Divinity is basest of the three, Unpleasant, harsh, contemptible, and vile; Tis magic, magic, that hath ravished me!
15.Byrd produced more than 500 pieces, ranging from ravishing church music set to texts in Latin (for private Catholic rites) and English (for Anglican services), to scores of songs and keyboard works.
16.In still nights the grass panicles and every leaf and stalk are laden with frost crystals, through which the morning sunbeams sift in ravishing splendor, transforming each to a precious diamond radiating the colors of the rainbow.
17.Then we may safely go back of it and view the crystal shower from beneath, each drop wavering and pulsing as it makes its way through the air, and flashing off jets of colored light of ravishing beauty.
18.Thus, if Helen came under the influence of the lordly power of speech, then it is as if she was " ravished by the force of pirates." Therefore, she cannot be held responsible.
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19.With a few strokes of their huge paws the bears uncover the entire establishment, and, before time is given for a general buzz, bees old and young, larvae, honey, stings, nest, and all are taken in one ravishing mouthful.