科学快报-科学美国人2023Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 2023
5.For years researchers have attempted to explain the gay away by saying that homosexual behavior is solely about asserting dominance or quelling tension.
「科学快报-科学美国人2023Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 2023」评价该例句:好评差评指正
6.Liu Bei was naturally furious: I had made significant contributions to quelling the Yellow Turban Rebellion, risking my life, how could they now betray me?
7.The U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has questioned Kazakhstan's decision to seek Russian military support in quelling anti-government unrest, saying it might be difficult to get them to leave.
8.All of this was with the goal of easing social tensions in Britain, reducing strike action, and quelling the rise of the newly christened Labour Party who had won dozens of seats in the 1906 general election.
9.Barbara Else, a senior adviser with the American Music Therapy Association, has worked with victims of several disaster situations, including Hurricane Katrina, and seen how music can play a crucial role in quelling racing thoughts and establishing sleep routines.