I served in that quagmire and by god this Dipshit plan sucks ,plain and simple Keep these COMMIE bastards out of our business ,Clinton already gave them the ranch.
Even while half-heartedly encouraging a coup that toppled and killed Ngo Dinh Diem, the South Vietnamese leader, Kennedy seemed determined to draw down the American presence and avoid a future quagmire there.
The company's strategic quagmire took on a superstitious quality when the estate itself became a hive of bad omens, with parts of the office complex flooding on an annual basis.
Now, Parliament has pulled the rug out from under him, and Mr. Johnson is at risk of falling into the same Brexit quagmire that dragged down his predecessor as prime minister, Theresa May.
Country in which there are precipitous cliffs with torrents running between, deep natural hollows, confined places, tangled thickets, quagmires and crevasses, should be left with all possible speed and not approached.
But what was supposed to just be a quick and easy adventure to shut down the rebellion in Sudan turned into an 18-year-long quagmire for both the British and the Egyptians.
Projects run into problems for specific reasons as well as general ones: Britain's quagmire of planning rules is not something that China had to worry about, for instance.
So when she handed me this note, I assumed that it would contain detailed political instructions about how we were going to get out of this nightmare quagmire that we seemed to be trapped in.
But the first use of that idea was to describe it as a quicksand, and then it kind of migrates from being a quicksand to a quagmire over the course of the late '60s, and early '70s.