This purportedly can lead to insulin resistance.
Organisers can purportedly inject a dose of youthful dynamism into such outfits.
This is purportedly the longest glass-bottomed bridge on earth or above it.
This after an amateur video purportedly shows a pregnant woman thrown to the ground by uniformed police.
Images purportedly filmed in secret show detainees being forced to strip while a camp worker hoses them down.
Americans, by contrast-at least in the maturity of old age—have more intergroup wisdom than the purportedly collectivist Japanese.
" Old Dominion" was purportedly what England's King Charles II called Virginia because of its initial loyalty to England.
据称Old Dominion是英国国王查尔斯二世称弗吉尼亚州,因为它是最初忠于英格兰。
And it’s sometimes called the Dark Ages, because it was purportedly unenlightened.
They purportedly present both sides of an issue, but the commentator is always biased.
" Purportedly" means supposedly;it's what someone says they are doing, but it usually isn't true.
His detention is said to be linked to audio messages in which he purportedly accuses party colleagues of receiving illegal funds.
Purportedly liberal voices clamoured for David Cameron to send in the army. Shoot looters on sight. Wheel in the water cannon.
At the turn of the century, empty lots here were purportedly sold for just $25 apiece.
据称, 在世纪之交,这里空地仅以每块 25 美元价格售。
In fact, the average income for New York hot dog stand owners is purportedly about $100,000 per year.
事实上,据称纽约热狗摊主平均年收入约为 100,000 美元。
In another incident after purportedly stealing clothes, he was caught not so subtly sneaking under a partially open gate.
After civil war broke out in Yemen and Saudi Arabia intervened militarily in March, more than 6000 Yemenis have purportedly been killed.
The patient is purportedly quite well developed and Laennec expresses some hesitation in pressing his ear directly against her chest.
据称,该患者发育良好,Laennec 在将耳朵直接贴在她胸部时表现些犹豫。
Laura says that these political commentary shows purportedly present both sides of an issue, but the commentator is always biased.
劳拉说, 这些政治评论节目据称呈现个问题两面,但评论员总是有偏见。
Their coach is deaf but they've been able to use that to call plays without huddling and purportedly read other team's body language better.
But more than that, what is laid out is this protracted criminal scheme that was purportedly carried out by senior executives in The Trump Organization.