Those luxurious apparels open with coquet under the moisture of sullages, posy by posy. With such beauty. Sleepless.
According to the character of the posy, the edition of the Han Dynasty mirror poem has been concluded belonging to the eisegetical ShiJin edition of vulgar bookman.
She opened the casement to get a better view of the garlands and posies that adorned it.
This actually meant that secret messages could be passed by giving someone a posy of flowers.
" They are lovely. But Beth's roses are sweeter to me, " said Mrs. March, smelling the half–dead posy in her belt.
The flower shops were making up Saturday's roses into Victorian posies where their errant petals could be gently corseted.
花店把星期六的玫瑰编成维多利亚式的花, 在那里它们飘逸的花瓣可被轻轻地起来。
Oh, well, it's nice to know that some dime-store posies from an unnamed stalker have made you an expert on matters of the heart.
" I'll do my best to gratify you, Sir, " was Laurie's unusually dutiful reply, as he carefully unpinned the posy Jo had put in his buttonhole.
" I guess the princess gave him a posy, and opened the gate after a while, " said Laurie, smiling to himself, as he threw acorns at his tutor.