His Democratic opponent, Samuel J. Tilden, received a popular plurality of a quarter of a million and had a plausible claim to a majority of the electoral vote.
他的民主党对手塞缪尔·J·蒂尔登 (Samuel J. Tilden) 获得了 25 万的普票,并有可能获得人票。
His conclusion, that the plurality of religions in England leads to a more peaceful society, is, of course, a covert criticism of France, where the Catholic Church was so dominant.
For the vast secular Israeli mainstream — which is still a strong plurality at 45% of adults in the country, according to official government figures — such talk is anathema to their personal and civic identities.
Not only can someone be elected with minimal actual support, but plurality voting creates disincentives for new entrants to compete for fear of spoiling the election by pulling away votes from ideologically similar candidates.
People know that it's easy to find jobs, but if you ask them, recent polls I've seen say that a plurality of people think that the U.S. economy has lost jobs over the past year, which is crazy.