The saga of the region's piecemeal incorporation into America involved bravery, gumption and careful planning-but also decades of brutal, intimate bloodshed.
Pope Francis has said the current conflicts around the globe may already amount to a World War III, fought piecemeal with crimes, massacres and destruction.
They're assuming that some of this stuff is eventually going to get repurposed and released kind of piecemeal and selectively to further the Republican case on this issue.
Any appearance to the contrary, in the world we know, can be proved logically—so he believes—to be entirely due to our fragmentary piecemeal view of the universe.
Thus we are left to the piecemeal investigation of the world, and are unable to know the characters of those parts of the universe that are remote from our experience.
The Manhattan Project, the US government's programme to develop a nuclear weapon, was initiated on a piecemeal basis late in 1939, just weeks after the receipt of the Einstein-Szilard Letter.