Conclusion It is shown that fructosamine and AGEs were significantly higher in patients on CAPD,and they could not be effectively removed by peritoneal dialysis.
The results provided clinical basis for cisplatin isotone peritoneal chemotherapy as well as established a method for the research of drug release, absorbed dose and absortive rate.
At present, all over the world, about one hundred thousand uraemic patients, which is about 15 precent of the total dialysis population are accepting peritoneal dialysis treatment.
Rarely, endometrioid tumors can be malignant, and the endometrium-like cells can spread out to other areas including the fallopian tubes and the peritoneal cavity.
Hypothermia treatment may include warmed IV fluids, heated and humidified oxygen, peritoneal lavage (internal " washing" of the abdominal cavity), and other measures.
A feature of mucinous cystadenocarcinomas is that they can cause pseudomyxoma peritonei, which is when mucinous material from the tumor spills out and collects in the peritoneal cavity.
Think for example of a dermoid cyst, with its mixture of tissues like hair and sebaceous fluid: that's not something the peritoneal cavity is meant to handle!
Higher portal vein pressure means that fluid in blood vessels is more likely to get pushed into tissues and across tissues into large open spaces like the peritoneal cavity.
In time, plasma volume expands so much that fluid in blood vessels is more likely to get pushed into tissues and across tissues into large open spaces, like the peritoneal cavity.