At night, when Laura lay awake in the trundle bed, she listened and could not hear anything at all but the sound of the trees whis- pering together.
晚上,当在有脚轮的床上醒着时,她侧耳倾, 但除了树木的低语声外什么也不见。
Mary put her head under the quilt and whis- pered to Laura, " I wish Pa'd come back" .Laura nodded her head on the pillow, but she couldn't say anything.
玛丽把头埋在被子里,低声对说:“我希望。 ” 在枕头上点了点头, 但什么也说不出。
But it was very odd to find herself expected to study a page which told her that " le pere" meant " the father, " and " la mere" meant " the mother" .
但是很奇怪地发现她被要求学习一页告诉她“le pere” 意思是“父亲” 而“la mere” 意思是“母亲” 的书页。