| 划词

1.See also blackbird, bluebird, chat, ouzel, redstart, robin.




megalocystis, megalocyte, megalocytosis, megalodontia, Megalodontoidea, megalo-enteron, megalo-esophagus, megalogastria, megaloglossia, megalograph,


3G, 401(K), a,



1.The blessed ouzels have built their mossy huts and are now singing their best songs with the streams.

幸运 ouzels 已经建造了他们长满苔藓小屋, 现在正在溪流中唱着他们最好歌曲。机翻


2.I found no great difficulty, however, in making my way to a certain ripple on the river where one of my ouzels lived.

然而,我发现前往我一个 ouzel 居住河流上某个涟漪并没有太大困难。机翻


3.The ouzels pass it by, and so do the ducks; they could hardly get into it if they would, without plumping straight down inside the circling trees.

ouzels 从它身边经过,鸭子也是;如果他们愿意,他们几乎无法进入,除非在盘旋树木中降。机翻


4.Here I find the little water ouzel as much at home as any linnet in a leafy grove, seeming to take the greater delight the more boisterous the stream.



5.Their cowering, joyless endurance offered striking contrasts to the spontaneous, irrepressible gladness of the ouzel, who could no more help giving out sweet song than a rose sweet fragrance.

他们畏缩、无趣忍耐与 ouzel 自发、无法抑制快乐形成了鲜明对比, ouzel 忍不住发出甜美歌曲, 就像玫瑰甜美香味。机翻


6.But the love-songs of the ouzels and the love-looks of the daisies gradually reassure us, and manifest the warm fountain humanity that pervades the coldest and most solitary of them all.



7.One bird, the ouzel, loves this gorge and flies through it merrily, or cheerily, rather, stopping to sing on foam-washed bosses where other birds could find no rest for their feet.

一只鸟,ouzel, 喜欢这个峡谷, 快乐地飞过它, 或者快活地, 更确切地说, 停来在泡沫清洗老板上唱歌, 其他鸟类无法找到它们脚休息。机翻


8.It was impossible to go very far without the aid of snow-shoes, but I found no great difficulty in making my way to a part of the river where one of my ouzels lived.

没有雪鞋帮助是不可能走得很远,但我发现我走到我一个 ouzel 居住河流一部分并不困难。机翻


9.Insects now enrich the air, frogs pipe cheerily in the shallows, soon followed by the ouzel, which is the first bird to visit a glacier lake, as the sedge is the first of plants.

现在空气中充满了昆虫,青蛙在浅滩欢快地鸣叫,紧随其后是 ouzel,它是第一个造访冰川湖鸟类,就像莎草是第一个植物一样。机翻


10.But as soon as the winter clouds have bloomed, and the mountain treasuries are once more replenished with snow, the voices of the streams and ouzels increase in strength and richness until the flood season of early summer.



11.The bird-like tamias frisked about my feet everywhere among the pine-needles and seedy grass-tufts; cranes waded the shallows of the river-bends, the kingfisher rattled from perch to perch, and the blessed ouzel sang amid the spray of every cascade.

像鸟一样鲇鱼在我脚边松针和肮脏草丛中四处飞来飞去;起重机在河湾浅滩上涉水,翠鸟从一个栖息处跳到另一个栖息处,幸运 ouzel 在每一个瀑布浪花中歌唱。机翻


12.Happily the ouzel and the old familiar robin are here to sing us welcome, and azure daisies beam with trustfulness and sympathy, enabling us to feel something of Nature's love even here, beneath the gaze of her coldest rocks.

幸运是,ouzel 和熟悉老知更鸟在这里欢迎我们,蔚蓝雏菊充满信任和同情,让我们即使在这里,在她最冷岩石注视,也能感受到大自然爱。机翻


13.I have never yet met ducks in any of the lakes of this kind, but the ouzel is never wanting where the feeding-streams are perennial. Wild sheep and deer may occasionally be seen on the meadows, and very rarely a bear.



14.The roaring river fills all the arching way with impressively loud reverberating music, which is sweetened at times by the ouzel, a bird that is not afraid to go wherever a stream may go, and to sing wherever a stream sings.

咆哮河流用令人印象深刻响亮回响音乐充满了整个拱形道路, 有时会被 ouzel 变得甜美, 这是一种不惧怕溪流所到之处鸟, 并在溪流歌唱地方歌唱。机翻



megalophthalmus, megaloplankton, megaloplastocyte, megalopolis, megalops, megalopsia, megalopsy, Megaloptera, megalopteran, Megalopygidae,


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