Starbucks even developed a relationship with the music industry to sell Starbucks-tailored CDs of classical brass and orchestral music in the coffee bars.
It's performed by six singers, a dancer, and an orchestra that, as well as standard orchestral instruments, includes electric guitar, and a traditional Turkish stringed instrument.
This is not a method that would pass muster in scientific inquiry—few orchestral players would be rude in print about their chief conductor—but it yields some insightful results.
From the techno adaptations of Bach's pieces by Wendy Carlos to Kanye West sampling a Bach-inspired orchestral arrangement, the versatility of Bach's compositions transcends musical boundaries.
从 Wendy Carlos 对巴赫作品的 techno 改编,到 Kanye West 对受巴赫启发的管改编的采样,巴赫作品的多样性超越了界限。