1.Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell Medium (OPCM) is a complete medium designed for optimal growth of normal human oligodendrocyte precursor cells in vitro.
4.Those B-cells begin to make antibodies that mark the myelin sheath proteins, and then the macrophages use those antibody markers to engulf and destroy the oligodendrocytes.
5.Early on in multiple sclerosis, the oligodendrocytes will heal and extend out new myelin to cover the neurons, which is a process called remyelination.
6.During a flare, T-cells cause inflammation and damage to oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system, which leaves behind scarred areas of demyelinated neurons called plaques, which causes a variety of symptoms depending on the location.
7.In other words, an autoimmune attack on the oligodendrocytes might happen, and then regulatory T cells will come in to inhibit or calm down the other immune cells, leading to a reduction in the inflammation.
8.And this means that those myelin specific T-cells release cytokines like IL-1, IL-6, TNF-alpha, and interferon-gamma, and together dilate the blood vessels which allows more immune cells to get in, as well as directly cause damage to the oligodendrocytes.