| 划词

1.Hydrodesulphurization technology could effectively decrease sulfur content in gasoline and octane number loss.



2.What with pre-nuptial arrangements, palimony, child custody, we have become accustomed to the short-lived, high octane relationships on which glossy magazines feed.




impure, impurely, impureness, impurity, imput, imputability, imputable, imputation, imputative, imputatively,


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Vox 观点

1.You can say like " octane render blender 3D" .

你可以说“显卡 3D”。

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Crash Course 合篇

2.So when we put it all together, this compound is called 4 ethyl octane.

所以当我们把它们放在一起时, 这种化合物叫做 4 乙基辛烷。机翻

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How I Met Your Mother S03 (AMZN 1080p)

3.'cause here comes some premium 91 octane knowledge.

" 因为这里有一些优质的91辛烷值知识。机翻

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Crash Course 合篇

4.So this is considered an octane with two carbon chain attached to one of its carbon atoms.

因此,这被认为是一种辛烷, 其中一子连接有两链。机翻

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5.Open your brain tank, bra, 'cause here comes some Premium 91 octane knowledge.

打开你脑子上的油箱盖 老兄,因为我要灌输些91号的知识汽油给你。


6.It does have caffeine but it doesn't have the same amount of octane that coffee does.



7.I can't wait to go on so many other high octane adventures with you in the future.


SciSHow 快问快答小科普

8.The octane rating tells you how much the fuel can be compressed before it’ll ignite without a spark.


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SciSHow 快问快答小科普

9.The only difference is that heptane, with 7 carbons, is really unstable, whereas octane, with 8 carbons, is super stable.

唯一的区别是,具有 7 子的庚烷非常不稳定,而具有 8 子的辛烷非常稳定。机翻

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Crash Course 合篇

10.So for instance, if an octane chain has methyl groups attached with second and fifth carbons, it's called 2,5-dimethyloctane.

因此,例如,如果辛烷链的甲基与第二和第五相连,则称为 2, 5-二甲基辛烷。机翻

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Crash Course 合篇

11.The combustion of octane, a main ingredient of gasoline, produces 8 moles of carbon dioxide for every 1 mole of fuel used.

辛烷是汽油的主要成分, 燃烧每使用 1 摩尔燃料会产生 8 摩尔二氧化机翻

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SciSHow 快问快答小科普

12.That number on the pump is called an octane rating, and it tells you how much the gasoline can be compressed before it’ll just ignite.


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Crash Course 合篇

13.Now you're probably picking up on a lot of words that you've heard before, even outside of chemistry class: octane, propane, methane, paraffin, and so on.


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14.Recovery technology aims at helping athletes bounce back from the intense training and activity their bodies go through, and make the most of those high octane workouts.


Crash Course 合篇

15.So alkanes with 5 to 18 chains of carbon atoms like octane and gasoline are liquids at room temperature and those with more than 18 carbon atoms like paraffin or other waxes are solids.

因此,具有 5 到 18 子链的烷烃(如辛烷和汽油)在室温下是液体,而那些具有超过 18 子的烷烃(如石蜡或其他蜡)是固体。机翻

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