It is the regional giant and the hostilities threaten its ambitious economic blueprint, which seemed like it might involve normalising relations with Israel.
Monetary wonks see a clear distinction: quantitative tightening is an enduring change to the Fed's balance-sheet, whereas the emergency credit will vanish when things normalise.
Like Mr Corbyn he has normalised prejudice, by displaying his own and failing to investigate it in his party (both men are thought racist by 30% of voters).
We've been discussing how thermal cameras and other workplace devices being used to prevent coronavirus are becoming the new normal – a previously unfamiliar situation that is becoming normalised.
Last year, everyone's been expecting rates to go up and then before then people were just sort of it was normalised that the rates were going to stay low forever.
And when that turned into inappropriate remarks and then unwanted touching, they didn't feel like they could raise their concerns because his behaviour was completely normalised.