| 划词

1.Bright areas reveal undeflected or stationary nodal regions while contour lines trace out areas of constant vibrational amplitude.




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1.The staging is based on the extent of nodal and extranodal involvement.



2.Usually, lymphomas develop in lymph nodes and they're called nodal lymphomas.



3.He was their nodal point, their focus, their expression in a single term.

他是他的节点, 他的焦点, 他个任期内的表现。机翻


4.There's also nodal marginal zone lymphoma, which happens within lymph nodes, and splenic marginal zone lymphoma which happens in the spleen.


Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

5.A prerequisite in selecting patients for surgical treatment is reliable nodal staging (Table 2.2).

选择手术治疗患者的先决条件是可靠的淋巴结分期(表 2.2)。机翻

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Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

6.Both types of procedure had similar nodal upstaging and 5-year survival.

类型的手术具有相似的淋巴结上期和 5 年生存率。机翻

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7.The analysis showed that  the peaks of the lunar nodal cycle coincided with the cover of the mangrove canopy.


医学英语 心内科

8.Heart blocks are classified by location where the blockage occurs: - SA nodal block, or SA block – blockage within the SA node.


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9.Consequently, this lunar nodal  cycle will damage the quality of life in coastal communities, where infrastructure may not be  rebuilt or adapted to this force of nature.

因此, 这月球交点周期将损害沿海社区的生活质量,这些社区的基础设施可能无法重建或适应这自然力量。机翻


10.Ecologist Neil Saintilan of  Macquarie University analysed that the lunar nodal cycle impacts heavily on the expansion and  contraction of mangrove canopy cover over most of the Australian continent.


TED演讲(视频版) 2023年9月合集

11.So understanding one disorder has unlocked a nodal biological mechanismand insights for the treatment of many more diseasesaffecting surprisingly distant parts of the body, like the brain and the kidney.


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Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

12.These tumors are associated with good survival after resection and have a lower propensity for nodal and extrathoracic spread than other histological types of NsCLC; however, they frequently relapse.

这些肿瘤切除后具有良好的生存率,并且与其他组织学类型的 NsCLC 相比,淋巴结和胸外扩散的倾向较低;然而,他经常复发。机翻

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Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

13.There is no role for routine postoperative mediastinal radiation in patients with complete resections with pathological N2 disease, but it can be discussed where there is evidence of ECS or suboptimal nodal dissection.

对于具有病理性 N2 疾病的完全切除患者,常规术后纵隔放射没有作用,但有 ECS 或次优淋巴结清扫证据的情况下可以进行讨论。机翻

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Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

14.In the present staging system, T4N0-1M0 lesions are categorized as stage IIA disease (see Table 2.4), and T4 tumors without mediastinal nodal metastasis are now considered to be potentially curable if complete resection is possible.


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Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

15.A number of predictive and prognostic factors have been associated with poorer survival, including older age and poor PS, as well as an increased number of metastases, metastases to multiple organs, mediastinal nodal involvement and squamous cell histology.

许多预测和预后因素与较差的生存率相关,包括年龄较大和 PS 较差,以及转移数量增加、转移至多个器官、纵隔淋巴结受累和鳞状细胞组织学。机翻

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