She caught up a popular neologism from the newspapers.
Social-media algorithms prioritise attention-grabbing clickbait over boring truth, which helps propel nonsense around the world. Collins, a dictionary-publisher, declared " fake news" its 2017 neologism of the year.
社交媒体的算法会优先考虑吸引眼球的标题新闻,而非无聊的真新闻,导致世界各个角落都充斥着假新闻。词典出版商柯林斯" 假新闻" 一词评为2017年的年度新词。
(gasps) In response, economists Glen Whitman bestowed upon us the neologism snowclone, derived from the journalistic cliches referring to the number of Yupik and Inuit words for snow, and, of course, combined with a pun on snow cones.
(喘气)作为回应, 经济学家格伦惠特曼赋予我们新词 snowclone,源自新闻陈词滥调, 指的是尤皮克语和因纽特语中表示雪的单词数量,当然,还结合了雪锥的双关语。