She braid the neckline, hem and cuffs of the dress.
I can give you a round neckline if you prefer.
The neckline waslow round, V-shape, or square during early Renaissance, and later was shirred up into a higher neckline finishing with a ruff.
We wanted to show off the neckline.
Did he say what kind of neckline he's wearing?
他有提到 他的领口剪裁是一种的吗?
The neckline of the actor and the feet on the ground.
Why are they asking me about this stuff? What guy knows what a sweetheart neckline is?
她们为毛问我这种事 个男人能知道鸡心领是什么玩意?
Ruff pleats were attached to the neckline of a garment and allowed to hang over one's shoulders.
It's not like costumes, but rather elements, such as square necklines and chest-bands getting incorporated into modern designs.
Evening dresses during the Regency era featured short puffed sleeves and a low scooping neckline.
- 摄政时期的晚服采用短泡泡袖和低圆领。
Paul flung himself aside, thrust high with rapier and came in across Halleck's neckline with the bodkin.
A tucker or chemisette would be worn to fill in the neckline.
Daphne's dress would be long sleeved with a square neckline filled in with a tucker.
Everything from where the actor's hairline ends to maybe we mark they have quite a slope at their neckline below the occipital.
Similar ruffles of taffeta and lace adorned the neckline with a bow at the center.
The dress features bows at the shoulders and a clavicle skimming boat neckline, now also known as the Sabrina neckline.
这件连衣裙的肩部有蝴蝶结,锁骨略微船领,现在也被称为 Sabrina 领口。
So Hendrickje's shift pulled scandalously high, her neckline scandalously low, are painted thickly, while her skin tones are as liquid as the water itself.
La Goulue's costumes often featured ruffles at the neckline that echoed the ruffles of her petticoat.
La Goulue 的服装通常在领口处饰有荷叶边,与她衬裙的荷叶边相呼应。
There were certain design features that would make a dress appropriate for morning, afternoon, or evening, such as neckline or sleeve length.
- 有某些设计特征可以使裙子适合早上、下午或晚上穿,例如领口或袖长。
Her vivid scarlet dress was backless, tight to her calves where it flared into a wide ruffled train, with a neckline that plunged to her waist.
But if I were to, say, wear a purple satin dress with a sweetheart neckline and stand near you, you wouldn't be able to stop me, right?
Joan usually wears gold clip-on earrings that coordinate with a gold brooch, pinned at the neckline close to one shoulder.
- Joan 通常佩戴与金胸针搭配的金夹式耳环,别在靠近一侧肩膀的领口处。
This suggests that his original design was adapted for the queen with straps added and the neckline raised to a more modest height.