Method The clinical data of 15 cases with chronic dacryocystisis accepted dacryocystorhinostomy through nasal cavity and lacrimal sac were analyzed retrospectively.
To compare the effect between general anesthesia by nasal cavity blindly intubation with and without topical anesthesia through thyrocricocentesis in maxillofacial operations.
In other words, sometimes a person might have no allergic reaction on the skin test, but have a localized allergic reaction affecting the nasal cavity and eyes - that's low sensitivity.
These neurons migrate down from the olfactory placode and get embedded in the cribriform plate, which is a bone plate that separates the nasal cavity from the brain, forming the olfactory bulb.
During swallowing, the soft palate and uvula move upward to prevent food from entering the nasal cavity, the uvula also helps to guide the food into the pharynx.