It's a bit like wearing a nappy if I'm honest, Tom.
Nappies are like...A nap is a short sleep.
nappy 像… … 小睡是指短暂睡眠。
So… here's the baby and… well, the nappies are in that drawer.
Black girls were known for having short nappy hair, but not me.
一般黑人女孩头发 短而毛躁,但我可不一样。
The British love their babies just as much as we do, but they use nappies and prams instead.
英国人也和我一样爱宝宝,但却使用" nappy(纸尿裤)" 和" pram(婴车)" 。
It's thought the sea gulls contracted the bugs from sewage and soiled nappies while scavenging on household waste.
Nisha and I are expecting you'll have another nappy or niece soon.
You pick up garbage - sometimes it has dirty nappies.
If we want to change a nappy, you may wish to use a " wet wipe" .
如果我要换尿布, 不妨使用“湿纸巾” 。
No, widdle baby take a nappy wappy upstairs.
等等 两位 Charlie又不 Wait, guys, Charlie isn't even here.是啊 爱尿床宝宝正楼上睡觉觉呢。
She had to wear nappies at the end.
Obviously, it's very important that your child is equipped with a " nappy" .
显然,为您孩子配备“尿布” 非常重要。
So, nappies, wipes, spare wipes, er... Mr Boo Boo.
The box, provided by the government, contains supplies, such as bibs, nappies, and teething toys.
There were no nappies, so we had to improvise with what we could find.
Yeah. She was not a great Kid nappy, or kidnapped victim, whatever they're called.
Private-equity funds dedicated to Africa raised record sums to invest in shopping malls and firms making everything from nappies to fruit juice.
Such emotions are so violent that they tend to drive out of our minds all peaceful, nappy thoughts and emotions.
That was too much for Kimberly-Clark, the maker of Huggies nappies, which announced in 2012 that it would pull out of most of Europe.
According to Anne Wood, the co-creator of the series, inspiration struck at the Smithsonian in Washington thanks to the astronauts looking like toddlers in nappies.
据该系列共同创作者Anne Wood说,华盛顿史密森学会受到了灵感鼓舞,要归功于那些穿着尿布看上去像蹒跚学步孩子宇航员。